Digest, Transform & Glow
Digest, Transform & Glow
Digest, Transform & Glow
About Jenny
How it all began...
First I was a makeup artist in the international beauty and fashion industry, working for photoshoots, fashion shows and film productions in Europe and overseas. I loved being creative and working with a variety of people all around the globe. I got to listen to different stories and support women in their journey of self-expression and empowerment. As I moved out of Europe and worked with women in the Middle East I got deeply inspired by a different nonwestern way of thinking. This supported me to deepen my style and definition of ‚beauty’.
I create a natural glow by using organic make-up that empowers and highlights one’s natural features, yet leaves the person feeling authentic and confident.
What I find beautiful is someone who is happy, kind, authentic and confident. This is what makes us glowing and radiating. The heart of this authentic glow originates from within. When we feel comfortable with ourselves, we can let it overflow and radiate into the outside world. This is why I bring yoga, soul-based coaching and beauty care together and wholeheartedly believe in the effectiveness and synergy of these three.

Living With EASE
As both a practitioner and 500h certified Yoga Teacher, I have experienced how the combination of movement and breath can bring an incredible amount of space, strength and comfort into the body. The pleasure of meeting Tara Stiles and following the Strala Yoga Training got me to realize an important dimension had been missing in my practice so far: ease! I discovered the benefits of slowing down and bringing gentleness to my movements, daily life and challenging situations. By taking good care of myself in this way, I was more available to support others: starting with my family and reaching out to my yoga students and anyone I interacted with during the day.
Throughout my years of teaching and working with hundreds of people in group classes, private sessions and workshops I know that the combination of practicing Yoga with ease is key.
If you can be anything,
be your awesome self.
A Wholehearted Life
I always enjoyed to support others. This led me in a more profound way to Soul-based Coaching. As I guide people into living a wholehearted life, I first had to go through this journey myself. This meant empowering myself to create a life that feels good, pursue work that I am passionate about and that I know is valuable to me and others. I changed my diet, joined the beach clean-up community with my kids and started living a sustainable life as much as possible. I felt more focused and efficient than ever before, yet tried to remain gentle and at ease throughout the process. To keep that lightness in my attitude, I added playfulness in my daily morning routine: When it’s dark outside and my family is vast asleep, I sneak out of bed, play ‘Can you feel it?’ and start dancing in my room. I mean... Why not?