Digest, Transform & Glow
Digest, Transform & Glow
Digest, Transform & Glow
Hello and welcome to the Bring Back The Ease podcast.
I am curious about everything out there that helps us to feel better. In my conversations, I want to learn more about the different ways, practices, and routines that support us to bring back the ease into our lives. I believe that when we are open and brave enough to share our struggles and challenges, we will find out that we are not alone, and that creates a feeling of belonging. It is a great way to support each other.I am a mum of two kids and I run my own company. Therefore I am especially interested in tips and inspiration that are practical and simple to do.
Enjoy listening & stay at Ease,

Episode 1 - Human Design

In this first episode, I am talking with Linda Shaï about Human Design and how it has helped her as well as:
- What Human Design is
- How Human Design found Linda and what it has brought her
- How it can help us in our day-to-day life
Linda Shaï is a multi-passionate nature, space holder, and Human Design reader. She is passionate about helping sensitive & intuitive women step into their truest selves through Human Design, Moon Circles, and Nervous system regulation.
In this discussion, she shares about her burnout, what is Human Design, and how it can give us permission to step even more into who we are.
More about Linda and her work: https://www.l-espace.co/human-design-reading
To contact Linda or book a Human Design reading with her: book a human design reading
Episode 2 - Burn Out

In this episode, I am talking with Pam Driessen about her experience with having burnout, how it affected her work, her kids, and her husband, and what has helped her to feel well again as well as:
- Why she thinks her burnout was a gift
- She needed to learn to say 'no'
- Why Soul-based Coaching at this point didn’t help in the first place but what did, and more...
Pam is a yoga teacher and massage therapist. She and her husband have two children and currently living in Den Haag.
More about Pam and her work: https://www.flow-wellbeing.nl/