Digest, Transform & Glow
Digest, Transform & Glow
Digest, Transform & Glow
Moving well and connecting with what your body needs is crucial to feel good and enjoy your life. Your efficient and effective yoga practice will increase your stability, strength, and flexibility. That nourishes and energizes you. It supports you whether you have physical pain or are looking for more freedom in your body. The regular Yoga routine will increase your well-being. Experience a state of flow and how to handle stress in a sustainable way and have access to that any time!
Reconnect with your breath and take advantage of being in stillness, gaining more focus and clarity as a way of connecting with yourself. Calm down and listen to the messages your body, mind, and soul gives you. Be healthy and enjoy your life!
.. Jenny has taught me more about myself in the last two years, than I could have ever imagined. She's extremely skilled, she absolutely knows what she’s doing..
I would like to thank you for all your wisdom and calm being. Your talks and yoga helped me during my burn out. It was a hard way but I learned a lot about myself.
I am grateful for having you as my yoga teacher.
Grateful for your positivity, your kindness, the joy, the lightness and the love you bring into your teachings.
I am grateful for all the things I learn from you.
Jenny has the gift to guide you with ease and gentleness. This helps me so much to gain more insights about myself and my needs.
Your energy is beautiful, calm, gentle and kind.
You taught me to be gentle to myself. I can do everything. Doing it with ease.
Just following my path.
Your classes are wonderful.
Your classes carried me forward throughout this year, how grateful I am for it.